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American Physical Society Medal for Exceptional Achievement in Research

American Physical Society Medal for Exceptional Achievement in Research

Every year at the Willard Intercontinental Hotel in DC I am surrounded by the best and brightest in the world of physics and am humbled by their intelligence and contributions to society.

Easter Seals Grand Opening

Easter Seals Grand Opening

Barcoding, Inc. Executive Forum

Barcoding, Inc. Executive Forum

Believe it or not, I have never worked an event at M&T Bank Stadium. So when Barcoding, Inc. contracted me to photograph their annual Executive Forum I knew I'd be bringing all of my equipment to the event.  The space looks super cool but has so many different types of lighting going on (daylight, tungsten light, neon light) it was kind of challenging to figure out which lighting option worked in each scenario. I think I used every type of configuration available to me...and a lot of batteries.

Next Century Annual Employee Picnic

Next Century Annual Employee Picnic

DecisionHealth Platinum Awards

DecisionHealth Platinum Awards

Healthcare might be the number one topic in the news right now, with politicians arguing over coverage and policies, but this awards ceremony honored the people and programs that went above and beyond to help patients receive care. Here are just some highlights from that event with recipients from all over the country.